Mike Criswell
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
I feel sorry for folks who find it hard to have joy in life. I guess that’s why I have often felt sorry for myself. For much of my life, joy often seemed to be just around the corner, across the way, just out of reach. I later learned that my real problem was not that joy was unattainable or even unsustainable. My problem was this: for most of my life I misunderstood the true biblical nature of joy.
Many of us confuse joy with happiness. For the purpose this short article, I will have to paint both joy and happiness with a very broad brush. Generally speaking, happiness can be defined as being emotional based whereas joy has more to do with the will.
Joy is a decision. Let me explain.
When things are going well in our lives, e.g. we get promoted, get a good score on a test at school, or get that new gadget of some kind, we usually feel happiness. Our emotions are positive and for a little while, we feel on top of the world. But that’s just it, happiness is short lived because it’s based on happenstance. It’s based on what’s going around us (external).
Happenings come and go. Nothing stays the same in this old world. Joy, on the other hand, is not dependent on what is happening around us. It’s not dependent on what we receive from our immediate circumstances. Why? Because true biblical joy is based on the constant and unchanging relationship we have with Jesus Christ. It’s based on the knowledge that God is every present. Joy is internal.
Occasionally I meet people who seem to have a joy that just bubbles out of them. Now this does not necessarily mean that they know Christ. Even unbelievers can have some semblance of joy in this life. And the outward signs of joy and happiness sometimes look very similar. But one thing we need to understand is that true and deep joy can ONLY be found in the Lord.
In scripture happiness is never commanded. But joy is commanded. Why? Because joy is a decision of the heart and mind. Paul commands the Philippians to have joy in the Lord (Philippians 4:4). Even when things are tumbling to the ground around us, we can decide to have true spirit sustaining joy,
Like forgiveness and thankfulness, joy is something WE control. We can decide to be forgiving to those who don’t deserve it. We can decide to be thankful when we are in need. We can decide to be joyful when things don’t go well.
Don’t get hung up in always trying to be happy. Happiness comes and leaves like a phantom. Concentrate on being joyful, which comes from having a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.
Cultivate your relationship with the Lord. God isn’t nearly as concerned about your happiness as He is your holiness. Prospect for holiness and you’ll no doubt find a gold mine of JOY!
May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust in Him...
Romans 15:13