Mike Criswell
It was early morning when the women came to Jesus’ tomb. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. Little did they know that hours before, in the darkness of their fears, the Son of God had already risen. Jesus, the one in whom they had put their trust for over three years, had already exited the tomb.
Jesus wasn’t there when the women arrived, but an angel made the announcement, “He is not here He is risen.” Can you imagine what these women felt? Can you imagine the fear that mingled with anticipation and hope? Can you imagine what must have been rushing madly through their weary minds? Hours earlier they had witnessed Jesus’ death. Three days previous their friend, their Savior, their Jesus had been impaled on a Roman cross. How then could he not be dead? How could he not be in the tomb? And yet, here in front of their very eyes, a radiant being from heaven announced, “He is risen.”
There are so many things that are striking about that resurrection morning. Jesus was gone and so too was the massive stone had once barred entrance to the tomb. But rest assured that Jesus didn’t need the stone rolled away to get out. Just days later Jesus would literally pass through the walls of a secret room where the apostles were hiding in fear (John 20).
Jesus was the Master of the natural world. He created it (Colossians 1:16). But the women . . . the women needed to be able to get in and see for themselves that the tomb was empty. So too when Peter and John came running to the tomb after hearing the resurrection news. They peered into a dark empty space. Jesus was gone.
In fact, what John saw on that occasion was so important that he later records it in his gospel. There was no sign of forced entry. No robber’s tools lay strewn about. Rather the "face cloth” was folded neatly and laid to the side. The cocoon that once wrapped Jesus’ torn body was there in one neat piece. Only Jesus was gone. He had risen!
As we consider the resurrection of Jesus today so many things come to mind. Like the women, the tomb of Jesus presents one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Its empty darkness may seem a thing of fear and dread. But just as the women arrived to find the stone rolled away and the Son of God alive, so we once again approach an empty tomb.
The stone barrier of doubt, and fear, have been rolled away by the magnificent promises of God. The darkness of sin has been vanquished. The sunshine of Jesus now illuminates the shadowed path of life. And someday, after we have walked through the valley of the shadow of death, we will also come face to face with Jesus.
Just like the women and the disciples who came to love Jesus even more after his resurrection, so we will someday fall at his nail pierced feet and worship. With eyes of faith, we live this life on the cusp of death. But the tomb is no longer a dark place of fear and dread. It is to us just what it was for Jesus. It is a resting place until we are called forth to live forever.
Jesus has the power to roll away life’s stones that stand in our way. As you contemplate the resurrection of our Lord, don’t be afraid to enter the tomb. Inspect the grave clothes. Take a look at the linen face cloth and see Jesus’ reflection.
Look from inside the tomb to the light outside. That’s where real life begins. Jesus left the tomb to live forever. So can you!
Take a look around but don’t stay in your tomb of fear and sin. Walk boldly into the light of Jesus glorious presence. Jesus made that possible for you. Jesus is risen!