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Total Eclipse of the Son

Mike Criswell

Mike Criswell


Last week in America, we experienced “Solar Eclipse Day.” What a national phenomenon! At my house we only achieved about 89 percent eclipse, but the southern part of my state got to see a “total eclipse.” If you didn’t see it, maybe you can catch it next time it comes around in the year 2044.


As I stood in my driveway and waited anxiously for the full effect, it “dawned on me” (no pun intended) that there are numerous spiritual lessons that can be drawn from an eclipse. So here goes....


First, an eclipse happens slowly. From beginning to end the entire thing only took about three hours. At first, the event was barely perceptible, but then things began to gradually change. But before long, the eclipse was over, and life moved on.


There’s something worse than a temporary solar eclipse. It’s what I call a “Spiritual Eclipse of the Son.” Jesus Christ wants to shine in our lives, and anytime we allow something to come between us and Him, we are going to be affected. Blocking out the Son of God typically comes slowly, one pleasure at a time, one temptation at a time. If we’re not careful, we’ll find ourselves walking in darkness.


Second, as last week’s eclipse progressed, I noticed that things got very quiet. The birds literally quit singing, and an unhealthy stillness and color settled over the landscape. The same is true in a Spiritual Eclipse. When the Son of God is blocked from our lives, we will begin to experience silence. Oh sure, the world’s chaotic din will continue, but the sound of joy singing in our hearts will cease. Life will become deathly quiet.


Third, as the sun was blocked, it got colder. I had heard this would occur, but I really didn’t believe it. Surprisingly, for a moment or two, I felt a chill in the air that had not been there before. The same is true when we block the Son of God. Our lives will be filled with a chill. We’ll no longer be warmed by Christ’s love, and we’ll no longer warm the lives of others. We’ll no longer love His Word, His people, His ways.


Fourth, an eclipse typically never makes the world go entirely dark. I know that in certain places, the event did bring near 100 percent darkness, but for most of us, it was just a partial covering of the sun. The same is true when we eclipse the Son, Jesus Christ. Things in life may not go totally dark. God has provided enough “natural light” from creation to point us toward a certain modicum of righteousness. But when we separate ourselves from Jesus, even a little bit, we will miss out on the “special light” (revelation) he provides us via His Word and the working of His Spirit in our lives. Sadly, we often get used to the darkness and hopelessly begin filling our lives with artificial light (pleasure, philosophy, pragmatism) that “seems” to show us the way. Only Jesus is The Way!


Without the wonderful revelation and work of God’s Spirit, we would have no hope of living in the light.  God is the One who loved us enough to give us both the physical sun and his only-begotten Son. God is the beginning and end of our salvation. So, keep walking in the light of God’s word. Keep the Son shining in your life, and don’t let anything (family, friends, tragedy, pleasure) eclipse the Son.


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